Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tastes like apple crisp!

Or crumble, either way, I tried this cereal combo today and it was soooo yummy!
Cinnamon Chex + Apple Jacks! The pieces are similar in size and stay crunchy about the same amount of time so it was a good mix. I used whole milk of course, i think cereal always tastes better with whole milk!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cereals I wish I was around for...

Cereal boxes used to be so much more fun to read. I looked up "discontinued cereals" on Google out of curiosity and found some varieties I wish I had the chance to try! Here are some of the most appealing (to me):

Banana Frosted Flakes

This cereal was around from only 1981 til 1984. Who knows why! Banana Cheerios are super yummy so I imagine these were as well. 

Ice Cream Cones Cereal

WOO!!! I thought Cookie Crisp was amazing, I bet these are even better! I would totally eat these plain too and I usually hate doing that. Too bad they were only around in 1987 :(

Pink Panther Flakes

Available from 1972 til 1974, this cereal apparently turned your milk pink! Cool! 

 Vanilly Crunch

 Mmmm these probably tasted like frosted Cap'n Crunch! Definitely wish I was around for these in the 70s...not to mention cereal box prizes were way better and common back in the day!
Simpson's Cereals: Bart Simpson's Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch & Homer's Cinnamon Donut

Unfortunately for me I was around for these Limited Edition cereals in 2001-2002, just never had the chance to try them! 

Monopoly Cereal

Monopoly is my favorite board game I always win...but I can see how these don't exist anymore. Not a particularly appetizing idea for a cereal. I'm not sure how long they lasted, but they were introduced in 2003.

Pop-Tarts Crunch

I love poptarts!!! I eat them all the time. I would eat this cereal all the time! They came out in 1995. These kind of remind me of Kellogg's Krave cereal out now.

French Toast Crunch

I remember loving this cereal! This one lasted pretty long, from 1995 til 2006. I'm sad they're no longer around, they made the milk taste really good.

Anyway all these cereals sound poppin. And I miss the ones I used to eat!


I haven't tried any of these yet, but next time I'm at the supermarket it's a wrap. They all sound good! 
From Kellogg's:
From General Mills:
  •  Cheerios "Dulce de Leche"
  • Frosted Toast Crunch (based off of Cinnamon Toast Crunch)
  • MultiGrain Cheerios "Peanut Butter" 
View Here
From Post:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tastes like crumb cake!

This morning I ate a bowl of cereal that tasted like more than just that, it tasted like crumb cake! I used the same spoon to mix my coffee as I did to eat my cereal, so in my Cinnamon Toast Crunch with Bananas, there was a hint of coffee! It may sound unappealing to you if you don't like coffee but the amount of coffee in it was so little that it really just made the bowl taste like crumb cake. mmm!!!