"Topless Robot's 5 Nerdy Cereal That (Deservedly) Failed"
Nerds Cereal
Can't imagine how these tasted...hopefully not as tart and tangy as the actual candies!
Urkel O's
These were supposedly strawberry & banana flavored. That's fine, but...Urkel is corny!
Cool Ranch Cheerios
Ummm cool ranch and milk?! Yucky!!! Good idea though coming from the Frosted Cheerios box.
Pieces of Shit
Wow...just...WOW. These had me dying. I don't even get the reference, but it's hilarious.
Honey Bunches of Hot Pockets
HAHAHAHA. Whoever made this just stuck the Hot Pockets logo right over it!!! This is definitely a bad idea.
The rest of the failed cereals and fake nasty cereal ideas can be seen by clicking the linked titles!